About Lindy

About Me

I took my first yoga class in 1984 while in the scholarship program at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center in NY and found that it was just what I needed to balance my mind & body. As a professional modern dancer in New York City, I performed for more than 10 years, having trained with Alvin Ailey and Martha Graham among others.

At the end of my dance career, yoga became a welcome transition in my lifestyle. I started practicing and studying regularly at the Jivamukti Yoga Center in NY in 1988 with Sharon Gannon and David Life. At that time a teacher training program for yoga and Yoga Alliance did not exist. I began teaching an informal, donation-based class at a private studio in Manhattan in 1990.

Since then I have completed teacher trainings with Tim Miller in Ashtanga, Michael Fukumura in Anusara, a 200 hour teacher training program at Rising Lotus Yoga in LA and I have assisted and demonstrated for Vinyasa Krama yoga instructor and Ayurvedist, Arun Deva over a 10 year period. In 2016 I completed level 3 of the Yoga Therapy Rx program at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles directed by Larry Payne. I have taught at the (former) La Maida Institute in North Hollywood, Tree People (corporate classes) in Los Angeles, and private classes for both groups and individuals. Recently I have been teaching online, all levels classes. Contact me for more info.

I am extremely grateful for the extraordinary teachers that have touched my life, among them: Arun Deva, Larry Payne, Daniel Stewart, Claire Hartley, Linda Lack, Sianna Sherman, Michael Fukumura, Sharon Gannon, David Life, Dennis Dean, Tim Miller, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Ram Dass (Neem Karoli Baba).

My classes incorporate a mix of several different yogic approaches that I have studied, including Vinyasa Krama, Anusara, Sivananda, Ashtanga as well as pranayama (breath work) and of course, yogic philosophy according to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Attention to correct, healthful form is a priority as well as proper breathing, mindfulness and non-competition. I teach all levels, from basic/beginner to advanced as well as recovery from injury and yoga for those 40+.